Kindergarten students appreciate their 5th grade puzzle helpers!

The 2nd graders at Caddie Woodlawn completed their annual March Book Madness Tournament! Special thanks to guest readers Mrs. Flom, Mrs. Berger, and a handful of high school seniors that helped us with the Final Four. Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lewis faced off in the Championship match. It was a nail-biter, but "Do Not Open This Book!" by Andy Lee was declared the winner (probably thanks to Mrs. Johnson's dramatic reading)!

The first graders learned how to play a new math game called Salute. They did a great job solving the number on their head.

Check out Caddie's April Newsletter! Find out what's for lunch, when your student has a field trip, and much more!


Order your Middle and High School yearbook today!
Middle School: https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/productBrowse/2719256/Durand-Middle-School/2023-Yearbook/20220824151652123121/CATALOG_SHOP/
High School:

Mr. Boigenzahn, Mrs.B and Mrs. Ward's students would like to extend a huge thank you to the following high school students who took the time out of their school day to join us for Phy Ed! A friendly game of basketball was much needed this morning!! The high school students include Walker, Garrett, Cruz, Isaac and Keyguhn.

Senior Spotlight 2023

Mrs. Rosemeyer’s super heroes! #DurandPanthers

Throwback to 2013! #DurandPanthers #tbt


Senior Spotlight 2023

Mr. Greg and Mr. Anibas taught Mrs. Anibas’s class about being a farmer!

Mrs. Langreck's class has been learning about different jobs. They got to learn about how people train to be astronauts, what they do up in space and what tools they need. They then got to make rockets and see whose flew the furthest.


Senior Spotlight 2023


Senior Spotlight 2023

Mrs. B's class is wishing for warmer weather with spring flower pretzel bites! 🌷

Start Date: June 1, 2023 or before
The Durand-Arkansaw School District is seeking a Finance Manager beginning on June 1, 2023 or as soon as able. This is a full-time, year round position. We offer a competitive salary and benefit package with sick leave, vacation, health insurance, life insurance, dental insurance, long-term disability, and short-term disability.
The Finance Manager will provide good fiscal management in the operations of all financial matters, including school budget, investing and borrowing money, and managing receipts and payments. As a result, the Finance Manager needs to be up-to-date on business processes, state and federal guidelines, and financial services policies.
Other responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Assist District Administrator in preparing the annual school budget to publish and for the budget hearing to ensure it adheres to all legal and contractual requirements.
Recommend a tax levy to District Administrator and School Board to support the District budget and ensure the District continues to be in a sound financial position.
File all necessary reports, claims, and forms to secure all money due to the district for grants.
File all reports, claims, and forms to the Department of Public Instruction and all other financial claims including Medicaid.
Work with District Administrator and Financial Advisor to borrow money on a long-term basis for any capital improvements or building projects.
Assist with the bond rating process.
Invest money on a regular basis.
Monitor all of the District’s budget and funds through the year and recommend any budget amendments that need to be made.
Calculate current state funding formulas to include revenue limit and equalization aid and set tax levy as determined by state statute.
Operate the District’s accounting system (budget and payroll) to meet DPI standards and the WUFAR and GAAP standards.
Assist and direct the process of invoices, purchase orders, encumbrances, and all other budget information.
Assist in the processing of Accounts Payable payments.
Assist and direct running computerized payroll in the processing of paychecks and supports.
Reconcile bank statements on a monthly basis.
Follow board policy and proper procedures for the acceptance of donations and gifts to ensure that expenditures are made in accordance with purpose and request of donor.
Work closely with the District Administrator to make budgetary decisions for the short and long-term.
Prepare information and work closely with the selected auditing firm to allow for a clean audit annually.
Requirements: An Associate’s degree in accounting or a Bachelor’s in accounting, finance, or business preferred (Master’s with School Business Administrator license or ability to obtain license is preferred,but not necessary). A strong accounting background with knowledge of Skyward Financial Management program is preferred.
The candidate must also possess good communication skills with knowledge of
school district functions and school finance, including the Wisconsin Uniform Financial Accounting Requirements (WUFAR), and ability to demonstrate leadership and organizational skills in working with administration, school board, staff, parents, students, and the general public.
How to Apply: Interested applicants can either apply on WECAN or can submit a letter of application,resume, and three letters of reference to:
Greg Doverspike
c/o Finance Manager Application
PO Box 190
Durand, WI 54736
Application Deadline: Monday, April 24, 2023
Questions can be directed to: Greg Doverspike, District Administrator at