A huge THANK YOU to the Durand Sportsmans Club, Durand Whitetails Unlimited, Arkansaw Fur Fish and Game, and Eau Galle Sportsmans Club for your generous donations for the PE program to purchase 6 new targets for our Archery unit! Your continued support to keep this unit in our schools is so very much appreciated!

A group of Middle school student council students were able to attend CESA-11's leadership conference. They heard Sam Demma speak and attended a workshop about building positive student leadership in our school.

Great job, athletes!

November Caddie Newsletter!

Students, staff, coaches and family members gathered today for the send-off honoring our state bound cross country runner, Lauren Peterson. We wish Lauren the best of luck as she races on Saturday, October 29th at The Ridges Golf Course in Wisconsin Rapids! #DurandPanthers

Mrs. Brenner’s first graders using teamwork during morning stations!

Throwback to 2003! #tbt #DurandPanthers

Thank you, Principals!

Ticket information for the WIAA 2022 State Cross Country Meet:

Bauer Built Sports Complex has made it to the FINALS! Be sure to cast your vote every day until Thursday, October 27, at 4:00 pm.
Vote here: https://www.wissports.net/news_article/show/1244403?fbclid=IwAR0watXlnMrdmx9sqfb1Mxnzmd0HNFlv7xv3FjSC29m5ujv5XpYNkcbVeOo

Congratulations to State Qualifier Lauren Peterson! She will compete on Saturday at Wisconsin Rapids in the State Cross Country Meet at 12:00. Let's show our support for Lauren!
If you are interested in State Cross Country Apparel please use the link below to order:
To order fill out form link below: Turn around is short so please order ASAP.

Roxy the Corgi made her first visit of the year to the Middle/High School on Friday! She offered plenty of snuggles and brought smiles to many faces - she can't wait to come back next month!

Mrs. Schade's class had their October Senior Cooking Showcase today. Miss Hailey chose to make Snicker Salad for her "dish to pass"!

Mrs. Erickson's class had fun playing a game of Vocabulary Memory to practice their vocabulary words of the week!

Throwback to 1971! Does anyone remember the occasion?
#tbt #DurandPanthers

Be on the lookout for FFA members on October 29th as they are participating in our annual corn drive! Members will be going around to local farms and asking for a donation of money or corn to help pay for FFA conferences, materials, and transportation!

Thank you Jodie Winter for donating the pumpkins! The First Graders in Mrs. Winter's class had a great time painting and taking them home to share with their families!

Bauer Built Sports Complex has been nominated for the Midwest Sport & Turf Systems Home Field Pride campaign, which allows fans to vote on the best football field design and construction provided and installed by MWSTS. The winning school in the 2022 Home Field Pride Contest finals will receive $1000 for their school's athletic program!
To vote for your school's football field as part of Group Four, please click here.
Users can vote once per day per device. Voting is open until Thursday, October 20th at 4 pm.

About 170 students from various schools in our conference attended Choirpalooza Monday, October 10 . Jacy Walker, middle school choir director in River Falls, was the guest conductor, and she taught the students some great tricks for singing! We were very grateful to have her direction.

Last week we celebrated Teen Read Week. Each student who checked out a book received a treat and was entered into a drawing for prizes. Rayna Hendricks was our top winner of a $10 McDonalds gift card. Congrats Rayna and keep reading everyone!