Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Shannon Fry
Kindergarten Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Zach Gilles
Math Teacher
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Marcus Goebel
Technology Education Teacher
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Anna Gruber
English/Language Arts Teacher
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Danielle Hagness
Jr Kindergarten Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Tony Hansen
5th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Jayme Harm
Special Ed Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Cory Hauser
Science Teacher
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Kay Hayden
Food Service
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
LuAnn Hayden
Administrative Asst: Middle/High School Office
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Trista Heit
Paraprofessional: Library
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Heidi Heitman
4th Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Shelby Hendricks
Science Teacher
Middle/High School
Wade Hendricks
Social Studies Teacher
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Jean Hermann
Paraprofessional Liaison
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Amanda Hestekin
2nd Grade Teacher
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Jean Hooker
Special Ed Paraprofessional
Elementary School
(715) 672-8977
Diane Hoyt
Administrative Asst: Pupil Services
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8921
Carol Hunter
Food Service
Middle/High School
(715) 672-8917
Annette Huppert
Special Ed Paraprofessional
(715) 672-8977