8 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎊Throwback to 2010! 🎊 #TBT #DASD
8 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
⚾Congratulations!! ⚾ #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
⚾ Congratulations! ⚾
Throwback to the Freshman Class Officers of 1971! #tbt #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Caddie Woodlawn Families: You once again have the opportunity to order school supplies, for the 2024-25 school year, through Impacks. #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎉🏌‍♂️Get your orders in before Sunday, June 16!🏌‍♂️🎉 https://cvsports.chipply.com/durandstate/store.aspx
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🤠 Throwback to 2007! 🤠 #TBT #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
❔Question of the Day - What is happening at Durand-Arkansaw MS/HS? ❔ The Durand-Arkansaw School District is completing two large maintenance projects during the summer of 2024 at the middle school/high school. The first project is to update the roof on the older section of the building. The roofing project includes new insulation, updated drainage, a new roofing layer, and metal covering for the top section of the main gymnasium. The second project is to resurface all of the parking areas connected to the building and to reconstruct the entryway plaza. The parking lot projects are being completed in cooperation with the City of Durand's project to reconstruct 6th Avenue between Prospect Street and Washington Street. The entryway plaza is simply in need of an update. These projects are part of a scheduled maintenance program and funded with dollars that were set aside in previous years for this purpose. Also note, the crews will coordinate with the Durand Public Library to ensure the least amount of disruption to summer library services. #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎉🌟A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them! 🌟🎉 #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them!
A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them!
A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them!
A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them!
A HUGE thank you to the PTO for our end of the year shirts. They turned out great and the kids love them!
Throwback to 1972! #tbt #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎊🙌🏻🎉 Congratulations, Logan! 🎊🙌🏻🎉 #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Check out the June Caddie Newsletter! In it you will find highlights from end of school year celebrations and field trips, as well as important dates and school supply lists🌞🎉 https://secure.smore.com/n/kqv16
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Sending a special congratulations to this Durand-Arkansaw Panther! Your teachers, friends, and supporters are all SO proud of you and we can't wait to cheer you on during your next chapter! 👏🎉
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎼Elementary Music Teacher Posting🎼 The Durand-Arkansaw School District is on the lookout for an imaginative, self-driven individual with a passion for music and education to join our vibrant team at Caddie Woodlawn Elementary School. We are seeking a full-time, dynamic, student-centered elementary music teacher who can bring rhythm and harmony into the classroom. The ideal applicant will demonstrate leadership qualities, deliver high-quality instruction aligned with music education standards, and possess classroom management skills effective across K-5 grade levels. Strong oral and written communication skills are essential, as is a deep understanding of musical pedagogy and the ability to effectively integrate these concepts into engaging lessons. The successful candidate will also demonstrate excellent organizational skills, a commitment to nurturing meaningful relationships with students and colleagues, and a profound understanding of the collaborative principles essential to a professional learning community in a musical setting. Certifications: WI DPI #1515 - General Music is required At Durand-Arkansaw School District, we pride ourselves on cultivating a positive work culture where staff feel valued and recognized. We are dedicated to supporting our teachers' personal and professional growth in an encouraging environment that reflects the same support we extend to our students' development. Our district has beautiful facilities, a tradition of excellence, and strong community support. DASD offers an attractive and competitive salary and benefits package, which includes health, dental, and retirement benefits. Join us in making music an unforgettable part of our students’ educational journey. To apply, please go to WECAN
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Durand-Arkansaw staff proudly honored our retirees at the end-of-year celebration. Thank you for your years of dedicated service and unwavering commitment to our community, especially our students. Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement! Barry Terpstra-HS Social Studies Cindy Reinhardt-Food Service Ron Lane- Janitorial Val Hayden-Para-professional Marie Gunufson-Janitorial
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎉⛳ Send-off celebration TOMORROW! ⛳🎉 #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Durand-Arkansaw School District Special Education Paraprofessionals The Durand-Arkansaw School District is hiring paraprofessional positions for the 2024-25 school year. Full and part-time positions are available at Caddie Woodlawn Elementary School. Primary duties include working with students with learning, behavioral, and/or functional needs in individual, small group, and whole classroom settings. Job applications are available in the district office at 604 7 th Avenue East, Durand, WI 54736 or on the district’s website at https://www.durand.k12.wi.us/page/employment . Questions and application materials should be directed to Michelle Zagozen at 715-672 8921 or mzagozen@durand.k12.wi.us . #DASD
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
Cousins and teammates Dane Schauls and Logan Weissinger are advancing to the Individuals portion of the WIAA State Golf Tournament! 💜🏌🏼‍♀️ T-shirt orders are due by noon today, please share! https://url.avanan.click/v2/___https:/url.us.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/xWJ6COYJ74hGzByYUEDP6M___.YXAzOm1hcnRlbjphOm86ZGYyZGU0MTZhZjM0NDI2Y2M2NTUyYWQwYzkwZWJkZTY6Njo1YTJiOmJhZWYyMGJlOWE3NTBhZjM0OTFiMTkwZDc1YzBkMmE0M2RhMjc1MDk5NDE3OTRmZTlmNzhkM2IyM2ZiOTcxOGE6aDpU
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
🎉Good luck, Addison! 🎉
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District
😎☀️School's out for summer! TBT 2007 ☀️😎
9 months ago, Durand-Arkansaw School District